Related terms
- en crotch ➜
- en fork ➜
- en horse ➜
- en horsepower ➜
- en knight ➜
- en seat ➜
- fr cavalier ➜
- fr cheval ➜
- fr petit cheval ➜
- it accavallare ➜
- it cavalcare ➜
- it cavaliere ➜
- it cavallaio ➜
- it cavalleggero ➜
- it cavalletta ➜
- it cavalletto ➜
- it cavallina ➜
- it cavallino ➜
- it cavallo a dondolo ➜
- it cavallo di battaglia ➜
- More »
Context of this term
- en chess ➜
- en unit of measure ➜
- fr mammifères ➜
- fr échecs ➜