vexatious litigant is capable of…
- en be abusive ➜
- en be aggressive ➜
- en complain ➜
- en consume a lot of staff time ➜
- en demand that you help them ➜
- en be difficult at court ➜
- en disrupt a registry ➜
- en escalate ➜
- en feel that the state is against them ➜
- en be from a disadvantaged socio-economic background ➜
- en harass junior staff ➜
- en have a long court history ➜
- en have muddled paperwork ➜
- en identify vulnerable staff ➜
- en be ill-tempered ➜
- en be intimidating ➜
- en be irate ➜
- en be mentally unwell ➜
- en not let go of a grievance ➜
- en be a nuisance ➜
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vexatious litigant makes you want…
- en control the situation ➜
- en be diligent ➜
- en explain ➜
- en handle them with kid gloves ➜
- en ignore them ➜
- en list their case early in the day ➜
- en listen politely ➜
- en be thorough ➜
- en walk them out ➜
vexatious litigant can be…
- en distressed ➜
- en irate ➜
- en suspicious ➜
- en tense ➜
- en treated with dignity and patience ➜
- en unhappy ➜