Location of toy balloon
- en an amusement park ➜
- en a birthday party ➜
- en the circus ➜
- en a flower shop ➜
- en a parade ➜
- en the park ➜
- en a store ➜
- en a toy store ➜
- en a toystore ➜
toy balloon is used for…
- en blowing up ➜
- en entertain children ➜
- en hold water ➜
- en lure children ➜
- en playing with ➜
- en practice for having a real balloon ➜
toy balloon is a type of…
- en balloon (n) ➜
- en toy balloons (n) ➜
- en toys market category (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- umbel.org /umbel/sc/ToyBalloon
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ToyBalloon