Types of three dimensional shape
- en 3d polygon (n) ➜
- en cone (n) ➜
- en double helix (n) ➜
- en ellipsoid (n) ➜
- en hemisphere (n) ➜
- en oblate spheroidal solid (n) ➜
- en prolate spheroidal solid (n) ➜
- en right cylinder (n) ➜
- en screw shaped thing (n) ➜
- en a sphere ➜
- en sphere (n) ➜
- en spheroidal solid (n) ➜
- en torus (n) ➜
three dimensional shape is a type of…
- en geometric form (n) ➜
- en shaped thing (n) ➜
- en three dimensional thing (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ThreeDimensionalGeometricThing