Effects of testing car
- en buying that car ➜
- en having a wreck ➜
- en an accident ➜
- en decision to purchase the car tested ➜
- en the desire to drive fast ➜
- en determining the problem ➜
- en determining whether you should purchase it ➜
- en discovering a fault ➜
- en finding the car is broken ➜
- en it to flip over ➜
- en getting hasseled by the sales person ➜
- en going for a drive ➜
- en to improve the car's crashworthiness ➜
- en knowing more of a car ➜
- en a malfunction may occur ➜
- en mechanical failure ➜
- en noise ➜
- en performing repairs ➜
- en a purchase ➜
- en reject it ➜
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testing car is a subevent of…
- en driving ➜
- en being in an accident ➜
- en it breaks down ➜
- en check the batteries ➜
- en crashing into a tree ➜
- en drving fast ➜
- en hit the brakes ➜
- en inspect the engine ➜
- en kicking the wheel ➜
- en open the hood ➜
- en pressing the accelerator ➜
- en put it up on a lift ➜
- en rev the engine ➜
- en test the brakes ➜
- en turn the key ➜
testing car is used for…
- en determining the car's value ➜
- en determining the car's worth ➜
- en ensuring proper automotive function ➜
- en evaluating performance ➜
- en examinating the engine ➜
- en finding car problems ➜
- en keeping the car running smoothly ➜
- en ma ➜
- en making sure your car doesn't explode ➜
- en seeing how fast it will go ➜
- en seeing if it works ➜
- en using up a few hundred dollars ➜