Effects of taking phone call
- en car accident ➜
- en being harrassed by creditors ➜
- en your callers bill will increase ➜
- en communicating with the caller ➜
- en communication ➜
- en a conversation to be disrupted ➜
- en crook neck ➜
- en curse telemarketers ➜
- en decisions ➜
- en a disruption to your task ➜
- en having a conversation ➜
- en hearing ➜
- en irritation ➜
- en making a client feel important ➜
- en notified of family emergency ➜
- en notified of winning the lottery ➜
- en notified of winning the Nobel Prize ➜
- en regret ➜
- en responding to the caller's questions ➜
- en sadness ➜
- More »
taking phone call is used for…
- en talking ➜
- en answering the phone when it rings ➜
- en answering the telephone ➜
- en cell phone users ➜
- en communication ➜
- en conducting business ➜
- en courteous communication ➜
- en discussing a business deal ➜
- en doing someone a favor ➜
- en doing your job ➜
- en finding out what the caller wants ➜
- en finding out who's calling ➜
- en getting in touch with someone ➜
- en hearing an explanation ➜
- en knowing an answer ➜
- en learning what the caller wants ➜
- en making it stop ringing ➜
- en receiving a communicated message ➜
- en receiving an inquiry ➜
- en responding to caller ➜
- More »
taking phone call is a subevent of…
- en picking up the phone ➜
- en scribble notes on paper ➜
- en the doorbell ringing ➜
- en drawing with a pen ➜
- en enjoy the conversation ➜
- en having a conversation ➜
- en you might start having phone sex ➜
- en take notes ➜
- en talk to someone on the phone ➜
- en turning off your phone ➜
- en watch television ➜
- en write down a phone number ➜
- en write a note ➜