Types of system of devices
- en audio system (n) ➜
- en automobile suspension system (n) ➜
- en casinghead (n) ➜
- en christmas tree (n) ➜
- en communications system (n) ➜
- en computer network (n) ➜
- en computing platform group (n) ➜
- en contact insulating layer series (n) ➜
- en device set (n) ➜
- en disk array (n) ➜
- en iccontactcoupling (n) ➜
- en inertial navigation system (n) ➜
- en intelligent transportation system (n) ➜
- en navigation satellite system (n) ➜
- en network device (n) ➜
- en radar calibration subsystem (n) ➜
- en radar optics subsystem (n) ➜
- en radar station (n) ➜
- en radar video subsystem (n) ➜
- en range tracking radar subsystem (n) ➜
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Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/SystemOfDevices