Types of support
- en buying at (n) ➜
- en caring for people (n) ➜
- en changing diaper (n) ➜
- en cheering (n) ➜
- en customer support (n) ➜
- en euthanasia (n) ➜
- en helping get about (n) ➜
- en promoting (n) ➜
- en providing technological assistance (n) ➜
- en reinforcing military force (n) ➜
- en relief operation (n) ➜
- en rescuing (n) ➜
- en seconding (n) ➜
support is a type of…
- en going with (n) ➜
- en social activity (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/ShowingSupportForSomeone