- es Sodoma (n, location) ➜
- fa مرکز فساد (n, location) ➜
- fi Sodoma (n, location) ➜
- fi Sodoma (n, old_testament) ➜
- fr sodome (n, location) ➜
- fr Sodome (n, old_testament) ➜
- id sodom (n, location) ➜
- id Sodom (n, old_testament) ➜
- ja ソドム (n, old_testament) ➜
- ms sodom (n, location) ➜
- ms Sodom (n, old_testament) ➜
- pl Sodoma (n, old_testament) ➜
- th เมืองโซดอม (n, old_testament) ➜
- de sodom (n) ➜
- ar سدوم ➜
- ca sodoma ➜
- de sodom ➜
- el σοδομα ➜
- es sodoma ➜
- fa سدوم ➜
- More »
Derived terms
- en sodomite ➜
- en apple of sodom ➜
- en sodom apple ➜
- en sodom egg plant ➜
- en sodom fruit ➜
- en sodom (n) ➜
- en sodomize ➜
- en vine of sodom ➜
Context of this term
- en Old Testament (n, communication) ➜
- en biblical ➜
- en quranic ➜
Links to other resources
- 108813732-n
- 108813506-n
- Sodom