- ar مَسْنَد (n, artifact) ➜
- da støtte (n, artifact) ➜
- fi tuki (n, artifact) ➜
- id sandaran (n, artifact) ➜
- id tempat letak (n, artifact) ➜
- id tiang atau tembok penopang (n, artifact) ➜
- ja 台 (n, artifact) ➜
- ms sandaran (n, artifact) ➜
- ms tempat letak (n, artifact) ➜
- ms tiang atau tembok penopang (n, artifact) ➜
- no støtte (n, artifact) ➜
- pl oparcie (n, artifact) ➜
- sq vend (n, artifact) ➜
Types of rest
- en armrest (n, artifact) ➜
- en chin rest (n, artifact) ➜
- en headrest (n, artifact) ➜
Links to other resources
- 104088156-n