real estate agent is capable of…
- en advertise ➜
- en be charming ➜
- en cover-up ➜
- en deceive ➜
- en exaggerate ➜
- en be family conscious ➜
- en find out why you are selling ➜
- en be incompetent ➜
- en lie ➜
- en manipulate ➜
- en misrepresent ➜
- en offer a guarantee ➜
- en offer a price ➜
- en quote a high price ➜
- en receive a kickback from an advertiser ➜
- en try to reduce a price ➜
Related terms
- fi asunnonvälittäjä (n) ➜
- it agente immobiliare (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- /umbel/sc/RealEstateAgent
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/RealEstateAgent