prepare for vote requires…
- en read about candidates ➜
- en learn about the issues ➜
- en research ➜
- en research the candidates ➜
- en study the candidates ➜
- en consider the candidates ➜
- en educate yourself ➜
- en enter a polling booth ➜
- en find out a candidate's views ➜
- en gather information ➜
- en get out of Florida ➜
- en go anywhere but Florida ➜
- en go to the meeting ➜
- en know who the candidates are ➜
- en know who to vote for ➜
- en learn about candidites ➜
- en make your decision from the choices ➜
- en make sure everyone is there ➜
- en make sure you are old enough ➜
- en now what the vote is about ➜
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prepare for vote is a subevent of…
- en research the issues ➜
- en assess the issues ➜
- en compare the candidates ➜
- en consider the canidates ➜
- en contemplate ➜
- en counting how many people there are ➜
- en every member takes their seat ➜
- en figure out where you stand ➜
- en gather the candidates ➜
- en get details ➜
- en having your candidate win ➜
- en read ➜
- en read about the candidates ➜
- en research ➜
- en research the people running ➜
- en you sign your name ➜
- en weigh the issues ➜
prepare for vote is motivated by…
- en you are a candidate ➜
- en be counted ➜
- en our country to thrive ➜
- en elect a president ➜
- en exercise your right ➜
- en infuence political outcome ➜
- en let your voice be heard ➜
- en make an educated choice ➜
- en make the right decision ➜
- en a new leader must be elected ➜
- en a new president ➜
- en perform a civic duty ➜
- en understand the election ➜
- en vote correctly ➜
- en win ➜