Types of powered device
- en alarm (n) ➜
- en automatic seat belt (n) ➜
- en business machine (n) ➜
- en climate control device (n) ➜
- en compressor (n) ➜
- en cooktop (n) ➜
- en cutting implement (n) ➜
- en device for spraying (n) ➜
- en device on (n) ➜
- en dildo (n) ➜
- en electrical device (n) ➜
- en engine (n) ➜
- en externally powered device (n) ➜
- en fuel cell (n) ➜
- en fuel powered device (n) ➜
- en heating device (n) ➜
- en household appliance (n) ➜
- en incendiary device (n) ➜
- en incubator (n) ➜
- en lathe (n) ➜
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Links to other resources
- umbel.org /umbel/sc/PoweredDevice
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/PoweredDevice