Effects of posting message
- en a reply ➜
- en someone replys ➜
- en people to read the message ➜
- en a response ➜
- en bad reactions ➜
- en confusion ➜
- en getting an instant reply ➜
- en getting a reply ➜
- en getting a reply to the message ➜
- en happy reunion of long lost relatives ➜
- en having someone respond to the message ➜
- en hope for an answer ➜
- en you hope to get a reply ➜
- en information to be distributed ➜
- en you may get a reply ➜
- en someone might agree with you ➜
- en you might get flamed ➜
- en others will read it ➜
- en A phone call from the FBI ➜
- en receiving a response ➜
- More »
posting message is a subevent of…
- en type in your message ➜
- en you get an answer ➜
- en type a message ➜
- en typing ➜
- en ask for replies ➜
- en ask a question ➜
- en you change your mind ➜
- en competition for attention ➜
- en your computer crashes ➜
- en computer fails ➜
- en filling a board ➜
- en lick a stamp ➜
- en making a typing mistake ➜
- en someone may reply ➜
- en someone might read it ➜
- en you misspell a word ➜
- en passing information ➜
- en a system crash ➜
- en type ➜
- en typing the message and pressing submit ➜
- More »
posting message is used for…
- en communicating ➜
- en advertisement ➜
- en asking for opinions from others ➜
- en chatting with someone ➜
- en comminication ➜
- en communicating to many people ➜
- en communicating to a number of people ➜
- en contacting someone ➜
- en discussing something ➜
- en finding someone ➜
- en flaming others ➜
- en getting in touch with someone ➜
- en getting the word out ➜
- en giving information ➜
- en letting other people see it ➜
- en passing on information ➜
- en providing information to others ➜
- en providing news ➜
- en responding to someone elses message ➜
- en selling something ➜
- More »
posting message requires…
- en a stamp ➜
- en stamps ➜
- en access to the Internet ➜
- en communications equipment ➜
- en e-mail ➜
- en intelligence ➜
- en literacy ➜
- en a message ➜
- en a message worth posting ➜
- en thought ➜
- en a thumbtack ➜
- en you to type words ➜
- en using words ➜
- en viewing a message board ➜
- en words ➜
- en writing skills ➜