Types of organized event
- en class (n) ➜
- en commemorating (n) ➜
- en competition (n) ➜
- en convention (n) ➜
- en diplomatic event (n) ➜
- en educational event (n) ➜
- en electing (n) ➜
- en election single issue (n) ➜
- en ending of baseball inning (n) ➜
- en expedition (n) ➜
- en game of bingo (n) ➜
- en half inning (n) ➜
- en hooking up with (n) ➜
- en hosted social event (n) ➜
- en inning (n) ➜
- en legal proceeding (n) ➜
- en legislative vote (n) ➜
- en mass organized stretch (n) ➜
- en military operation (n) ➜
- en national lottery (n) ➜
- More »
organized event is a type of…
- en human activity (n) ➜
- en unnatural thing (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/Event_Organized