- ca agenda (n, communication) ➜
- ca llibreta (n, artifact) ➜
- ca memoràndum (n, communication) ➜
- da bærbar (n, artifact) ➜
- da laptop (n, artifact) ➜
- da lommebog (n, communication) ➜
- da notesbog (n, communication) ➜
- en laptop ➜
- sh beležnica ➜
- sh bilježnica ➜
- sh pisanka ➜
- sh sveska ➜
- sh teka ➜
- en notebook computer (n, artifact) ➜
- es cuaderno (n, artifact) ➜
- eu kaier (n, communication) ➜
- eu koaderno (n, communication) ➜
- fa دفتر یادداشت (n, artifact) ➜
- fa دفتر یادداشت (n, communication) ➜
- fa کتابچه یادداشت (n, artifact) ➜
- More »
Related terms
- sh bilježnica (n) ➜
- sh defter (n) ➜
- sh sveska (n) ➜
- sh tefter (n) ➜
- sh teka (n) ➜
- en paper ➜
- ar دفتر (n) ➜
- ar مذكرة (n) ➜
- az dəftər (n) ➜
- ba дәфтәр (n) ➜
- bg тетрадка (n) ➜
- bo དེབ (n) ➜
- ca portàtil (n) ➜
- ceb notbok (n) ➜
- cop ϫⲱⲙⲛⲥϧⲁⲓ (n) ➜
- crh bloknot (n) ➜
- crh defter (n) ➜
- crh depter (n) ➜
- cs blok (n) ➜
- cs notes (n) ➜
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Location of notebook
- en a desk ➜
- en a backpack ➜
- en the bookstore ➜
- en class ➜
- en a classroom ➜
- en a bookbag ➜
- en a childs schoolbag ➜
- en a desktop ➜
- en an office ➜
- en a store ➜
notebook is used for…
- en taking notes ➜
- en write a note ➜
- en fan aire ➜
- en holding appointments ➜
- en keeping notes ➜
- en keeping track of data ➜
- en make lists ➜
- en recording notes ➜
- en store adresses ➜
- en take notes in class ➜
- en writing ➜
- en writing notes in ➜
- en writting letters ➜
notebook is a type of…
- en computer ➜
- en portable computer (n, artifact) ➜
- en book (n, artifact) ➜
- en a book ➜
- en generally ➜
- en a good place to keep notes ➜
- en kitchen device ➜
- en a portable computer ➜
- en artifact (n) ➜
- en non agentive artifact (n) ➜
- en primarily paper product (n) ➜
Derived terms
- en macbook ➜
- en netbook ➜
- en notebooker ➜
- en notebookful ➜
- en notebookful ➜
- en notebookish ➜
- en notebooklike ➜
- en subnotebook ➜
- en subnotebook ➜
Types of notebook
- en commonplace book (n, communication) ➜
- en jotter (n, communication) ➜
- en planner (n, artifact) ➜
- en playbook (n, communication) ➜
- en blue book (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- /umbel/sc/Notebook
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/Notebook
- 103838213-n
- 106427062-n
- notebook
- notebook