- pt Nova Inglaterra (n, location) ➜
- ar إنْجِلْترَا الجَدِيدَة (n, location) ➜
- ca New England (n, location) ➜
- ca Nova Anglaterra (n, location) ➜
- sh nova engleska ➜
- es Nueva Inglaterra (n, location) ➜
- fi Uusi-Englanti (n, location) ➜
- fr Nouvelle-Angleterre (n, location) ➜
- gl Nova Inglaterra (n, location) ➜
- id New England (n, location) ➜
- it New England (n, location) ➜
- it Nuova Inghilterra (n, location) ➜
- ja ニューイングランド (n, location) ➜
- ms New England (n, location) ➜
- th มลรัฐนิวอิงแลนด์ (n, location) ➜
- bg нова англия ➜
- ca nova anglaterra ➜
- cs nová anglie ➜
- cy lloegr newydd ➜
- da new england ➜
- More »
Parts of new england
- en Connecticut (n, location) ➜
- en Maine (n, location) ➜
- en Massachusetts (n, location) ➜
- en New Hampshire (n, location) ➜
- en Rhode Island (n, location) ➜
- en Rustbelt (n, location) ➜
- en Vermont (n, location) ➜
Related terms
- en colonize ➜
- en connecticut ➜
- en english ➜
- en maine ➜
- en massachusetts ➜
- en new hampshire ➜
- en new south wales ➜
- en north dakota ➜
- en rhode island ➜
- en state ➜
- en united states ➜
- en vermont ➜
Terms with this context
- en anadama bread (n, food) ➜
- en hasty pudding (n, food) ➜
- en johnnycake (n, food) ➜
Derived terms
- en new englander ➜
- en new englandism ➜
- en new englandy ➜
Links to other resources
- 109071336-n