Types of medical condition
- en allergy condition (n) ➜
- en amaurosis fugax (n) ➜
- en angina (n) ➜
- en aorta arch normal conduit (n) ➜
- en aorta ascending rupture (n) ➜
- en ascites (n) ➜
- en astigmatism (n) ➜
- en atrially paced heart rhythm (n) ➜
- en atypical angina (n) ➜
- en bleeding (n) ➜
- en blood condition (n) ➜
- en bone mass loss (n) ➜
- en bone spurs (n) ➜
- en bruit (n) ➜
- en bundle branch block (n) ➜
- en calcification (n) ➜
- en cardiac valve regurgitation (n) ➜
- en case of thrombopaenia (n) ➜
- en chest pain or pressure (n) ➜
- en chills (n) ➜
- More »
medical condition is a type of…
- en abnormal condition (n) ➜
- en event (n) ➜
- en medical procedure or condition (n) ➜
- en situation involving tangible things (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/PhysiologicalCondition