- en mescal button (n, plant) ➜
- ca bolet al·lucinogen ➜
- cy madarchen hudol ➜
- de zauberpilz ➜
- el μαγικο μανιταρι ➜
- es hongo alucinógeno ➜
- et maagiline seen ➜
- fi taikasieni ➜
- fr champi ➜
- fr champignon hallucinogène ➜
- ga beacán draíochta ➜
- ga muisiriún mire ➜
- hu badargomba ➜
- hu varázsgomba ➜
- is ofskynjunarsveppur ➜
- it fungo allucinogeno ➜
- ja マジックマッシュルーム ➜
- ja 魔法のキノコ ➜
- kn ಒಂದು ಬಗೆಯ ಅಣಬೆ ➜
- kn ಮಾಯಾ ಅಣಬೆ ➜
- More »
Related terms
- en fungus ➜
- en psychedelic ➜
- fr champignon ➜
- fr psychédélique ➜
Types of magic mushroom
- en fly agaric (n) ➜
- en psilocybin mushroom (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- /2012/05/10/concept/en/HallucinogenicMushroom