laughing at joke is a subevent of…
- en choke ➜
- en snorting ➜
- en accelerated breathing ➜
- en an asthma attack ➜
- en breath deeply and breath rapidly ➜
- en cry ➜
- en express humor ➜
- en feeling happy ➜
- en get an ache in your side ➜
- en have a coughing fit ➜
- en making other people laugh ➜
- en milk comes out of your nose ➜
- en one would have sex ➜
- en other people laughing ➜
- en passing wind ➜
- en shooting milk from your nose ➜
- en you snort ➜
- en snort milk out your nose ➜
- en spit milk all over your friends ➜
- en water might come out your nose ➜
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Effects of laughing at joke
- en good feelings ➜
- en happiness ➜
- en abdominal spasms ➜
- en you become ➜
- en everyone to look to him ➜
- en feeling good ➜
- en feeling happier ➜
- en feeling happy ➜
- en a frown when you get older ➜
- en funny ➜
- en good ➜
- en to be happier ➜
- en healthy ➜
- en hurt feelings ➜
- en lowered blood pressure ➜
- en to make the joke teller happy ➜
- en making you feel better ➜
- en milk comes out of your nose ➜
- en milk to go up your nose ➜
- en people to relax ➜
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laughing at joke is used for…
- en being polite ➜
- en having fun ➜
- en acknowledging amusement ➜
- en acknowledging a joke is funny ➜
- en the audience of a comedy show ➜
- en being amused ➜
- en bonding ➜
- en brownnosing ➜
- en counteracting over seriousness ➜
- en creating smiles ➜
- en demonstrating understanding ➜
- en easing tensions ➜
- en enjoying oneself ➜
- en expressing appreciation ➜
- en expressing approval of joke ➜
- en faking amusement ➜
- en feeling happy ➜
- en fun ➜
- en get pleasure ➜
- en getting the punchline ➜
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