Related terms
- en item of data ➜
- en piece of furniture ➜
- en garment ➜
- fr chaussure ➜
- fr coiffure ➜
- fr vêtement ➜
- en items of clothing (n) ➜
- en piece of clothing (n) ➜
- es ropaje (n) ➜
- fr vêtement (n) ➜
- io vesto (n) ➜
- is spjör (n) ➜
- it capo d abbigliamento (n) ➜
- it capo di abbigliamento (n) ➜
- it capo di vestiario (n) ➜
- th แต่ง (v) ➜
- en article of dress (n) ➜
- en article of dress ➜
- fr vêtement (n) ➜
Word forms
- en items of clothing (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- item of clothing
- item of clothing