Types of investigating
- en astronomy research (n) ➜
- en biochemistry research (n) ➜
- en bioenergeticts research (n) ➜
- en biological research (n) ➜
- en biotechnology research (n) ➜
- en botany research (n) ➜
- en chemistry research (n) ➜
- en clinical pharmacology research (n) ➜
- en computer science research (n) ➜
- en computer science systems research (n) ➜
- en cultural scenario evaluation (n) ➜
- en engineering research (n) ➜
- en financial analysis process (n) ➜
- en general medical research (n) ➜
- en history research (n) ➜
- en humanities research (n) ➜
- en intelligence analysis process (n) ➜
- en investigating in watercraft (n) ➜
- en linguistics research (n) ➜
- en medical research (n) ➜
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Related terms
- de untersuchend (a) ➜
- en financial intelligence unit (n) ➜
- en find out (v) ➜
- en investigate ➜
- en investigation (n) ➜
- en investigational (a) ➜
- es escudriñador (a) ➜
- es indagador (a) ➜
- es investigador (a) ➜
- it inquirente (a) ➜
- it investigativo (a) ➜
- it istruttore (a) ➜
- it requirente (a) ➜
- la conquirens ➜
- la considerans ➜
- la disquirens ➜
- la explorans ➜
- la indagans ➜
- la inquirens ➜
- la investigans ➜
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investigating is a type of…
- en to discover how something happened ➜
- en to discover why something happened ➜
- en animate activity (n) ➜
- en check (n) ➜
Root words
- en investigate (v) ➜
- en investigate ➜
Links to other resources
- umbel.org /umbel/sc/Research
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/Research
- en.wiktionary.org investigating
- fr.wiktionary.org investigating