Effects of howling with laughter
- en tears ➜
- en stomach pains ➜
- en tears in the eyes ➜
- en drawing attention to yourself ➜
- en side cramps ➜
- en a sore side ➜
- en the applause meter goes up high ➜
- en being joined by others ➜
- en bubbles to emerge from your nose ➜
- en bursting a gut ➜
- en you can cry ➜
- en you choke on a fly ➜
- en a cramp in the side ➜
- en the dogs to howl with you ➜
- en doubling over, holding your belly ➜
- en embarassment ➜
- en euphoria ➜
- en your eyes tear ➜
- en feeling good about life ➜
- en you get thumped ➜
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howling with laughter is a subevent of…
- en slap your knee ➜
- en bend forward ➜
- en cry ➜
- en hold ones side ➜
- en lose balance ➜
- en open mouth wide ➜
- en throw your head back ➜
- en coughing ➜
- en crie ➜
- en crying ➜
- en double over ➜
- en your eyes might start to tear ➜
- en fall down ➜
- en fall off a chair ➜
- en finding it hard to breathe ➜
- en gasp for breath ➜
- en go to the bathroom ➜
- en Knee slapping ➜
- en remember the moment for a lifetime ➜
- en scare the dog ➜
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howling with laughter is used for…
- en responding to a funny joke ➜
- en cheering up ➜
- en comedy ➜
- en expressing amusement ➜
- en expressing yourself ➜
- en feeling good ➜
- en the friendly ➜
- en fun ➜
- en funny stories ➜
- en good qokes ➜
- en humor ➜
- en scaring small animals ➜
- en showing amusment/appreciation ➜
- en smiling ➜
- en a very funny joke ➜
howling with laughter requires…
- en tickling ➜
- en being tickled ➜
- en emotions ➜
- en experiencing something very funny ➜
- en fun ➜
- en a good joke ➜
- en lack of control ➜
- en a sence of humor ➜