going into trance is a subevent of…
- en close your eyes ➜
- en losing awareness ➜
- en being immune to pain ➜
- en dim the lights ➜
- en your eyes will close ➜
- en you forget where you are ➜
- en hum to yourself ➜
- en ignore those around you ➜
- en inner peace ➜
- en lie down ➜
- en listen to a hypnotist ➜
- en you lose consciousness ➜
- en you might be spaced out ➜
- en opening yourself to outside influences ➜
- en the person concentrates ➜
- en reduce your heart rate ➜
- en reduce sensory inputs ➜
- en sleep ➜
- en stare ➜
- en taking more drugs ➜
going into trance is used for…
- en meditating ➜
- en becoming hypnotized ➜
- en being given post-hypnotic suggestions ➜
- en being hypnotized ➜
- en being in another state of conciousness ➜
- en to break a bad habit ➜
- en channeling a dead poet ➜
- en contacting the dead ➜
- en getting hypnotized ➜
- en having an out-of-body experience ➜
- en Holding a seance ➜
- en hypnosis ➜
- en to lower blood pressure ➜
- en meditation ➜
- en pain management ➜
- en to recall forgotten memories ➜
- en Regressing to a past life ➜
- en resting ➜
- en soul travel ➜
- en spirit walking ➜
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Effects of going into trance
- en confusion ➜
- en a religious experience ➜
- en altered experience ➜
- en you block things out ➜
- en closed eyes ➜
- en someone to be confused ➜
- en disconnection from reality or suggestibility ➜
- en epilepsy ➜
- en experiencing another mode of consciousness ➜
- en good vibes ➜
- en hallucination ➜
- en heart rate goes down ➜
- en your heart rate to slow ➜
- en hightened awareness ➜
- en losing awareness of reality ➜
- en loss of awareness ➜
- en loss of balance ➜
- en loss of control ➜
- en loss of higher level cognitive abilities ➜
- en meditate ➜
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going into trance requires…
- en relaxation ➜
- en concentration ➜
- en alpha state brain waves ➜
- en boredom ➜
- en caffine ➜
- en calm ➜
- en drugs ➜
- en hypnosis ➜
- en an open mind ➜
- en relaxation and quiet ➜
- en a still mind ➜