Types of food item
- en asian fusion cuisine (n) ➜
- en baked food (n) ➜
- en bland food (n) ➜
- en bovine calf meat (n) ➜
- en breakfast food (n) ➜
- en cereal (n) ➜
- en cheesy food (n) ➜
- en commonly avoided food (n) ➜
- en cooked food (n) ➜
- en crumb (n) ➜
- en delicacy (n) ➜
- en dessert (n) ➜
- en domesticated animal food (n) ➜
- en dried food (n) ➜
- en dumpling (n) ➜
- en edible fruit (n) ➜
- en edible nut (n) ➜
- en edible seed (n) ➜
- en fermented food (n) ➜
- en finger food (n) ➜
- More »
food item is a type of…
- en food and drink (n) ➜
- en grocery (n) ➜
- en opaque thing (n) ➜
- en organic matter (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/Food