- id Mesir (n, location) ➜
- ms Mesir (n, location) ➜
- pt República Árabe Unida (n, location) ➜
- ar أرْض الكِنَانَة (n, location) ➜
- ar جُمْهُورِيَّة مِصْر العَرَبِيَّة (n, location) ➜
- ar مِصْر (n, location) ➜
- ca Egipte (n, location) ➜
- en Arab Republic of Egypt (n, location) ➜
- sh egipat ➜
- sh misir ➜
- en Egyptian Empire (n, location) ➜
- en United Arab Republic (n, location) ➜
- eu Egipto (n, location) ➜
- fi Egypti (n, location) ➜
- fi Egyptin arabitasavalta (n, location) ➜
- fr Abydos (n, location) ➜
- fr République arabe d'Égypte (n, location) ➜
- fr République arabe unie (n, location) ➜
- fr Thèbes (n, location) ➜
- fr Égypte (n, location) ➜
- More »
Parts of egypt
- en Alexandria (n, location) ➜
- en Aswan (n, location) ➜
- en Aswan High Dam (n, artifact) ➜
- en Cairo (n, location) ➜
- en Eastern Desert (n, location) ➜
- en El Alamein (n, location) ➜
- en Giza (n, location) ➜
- en Lake Nasser (n, object) ➜
- en Libyan Desert (n, location) ➜
- en Lower Egypt (n, location) ➜
- en Luxor (n, location) ➜
- en Memphis (n, location) ➜
- en Nile (n, object) ➜
- en Saqqara (n, location) ➜
- en Sinai (n, location) ➜
- en Suez (n, location) ➜
- en Suez Canal (n, location) ➜
- en Thebes (n, location) ➜
- en Upper Egypt (n, location) ➜
Terms with this context
- en al-Gama a al-Islamiyya (n, terrorism) ➜
- en al-Jihad (n, terrorism) ➜
- en El Alamein (n, act) ➜
- ar إنجليز (n) ➜
- ar إنجليزي (a) ➜
- ar إنجليزي (n) ➜
- ar بشملة (n) ➜
- ar بوليس النجدة (n) ➜
- ar دربكة (n) ➜
- ar دوار (n) ➜
- ar سهم (n) ➜
- ar شعبة (n) ➜
- ar عريف (n) ➜
- ar عزب (n) ➜
- ar قبضة (n) ➜
- ar لوح (n) ➜
- ar مال (n) ➜
- ar مسئول (a) ➜
- ar نيشان (n) ➜
- ar وردة (n) ➜
- More »
Related terms
- cy aifft (n) ➜
- en abu simbel (n) ➜
- en abydos (n) ➜
- en abyssinian (n) ➜
- en aegyptus (n) ➜
- en akhetaten (n) ➜
- en alexandria (n) ➜
- en alexandrianism (n) ➜
- en ancient greece (n) ➜
- en anglo egyptian sudan (n) ➜
- en anubis (n) ➜
- en aswan (n) ➜
- en atenism (n) ➜
- en benben stone (n) ➜
- en berenice (n) ➜
- en bir tawil (n) ➜
- en cairene (a) ➜
- en cairo (n) ➜
- en cambrasine (n) ➜
- en canopus (n) ➜
- More »
egypt is a type of…
- en a country ➜
- en a country in Africa ➜
- en a Middle East country ➜
- en administrative region (n) ➜
egypt is part of…
- en Africa (n, object) ➜
- en Middle East (n, location) ➜
Links to other resources
- /umbel/sc/Egypt
- 108917311-n
- Egypt (Roman province)
- /resource/Q202311
- Egypt
- Egypt