discovering truth is a subevent of…
- en feeling hurt ➜
- en run a experiment ➜
- en asking questions ➜
- en crying ➜
- en feel hurt ➜
- en ask questiong ➜
- en ask questions ➜
- en you become disappointed ➜
- en conduct an investigation ➜
- en dealing with the consequences ➜
- en drop your jaw ➜
- en be excited ➜
- en finding evidence supporting a conjecture ➜
- en finding evidence supporting a vonjecture ➜
- en finding your self ➜
- en gathering of data ➜
- en go into shock ➜
- en investigate ➜
- en learning ➜
- en lie ➜
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Effects of discovering truth
- en enlightenment ➜
- en more sadness ➜
- en sadness ➜
- en become enlightened ➜
- en becoming more informed ➜
- en becoming unhappy ➜
- en being surprised ➜
- en conclusion ➜
- en deep consternation ➜
- en denial ➜
- en discovering reality ➜
- en finding out reality ➜
- en happiness ➜
- en hurt ➜
- en increased knowledge ➜
- en knowing a fact ➜
- en knowledge ➜
- en liberating ➜
- en pain ➜
- en peace of mind ➜
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discovering truth is used for…
- en advancing knowledge ➜
- en becoming more familiar with a person ➜
- en careful study ➜
- en carrying out an investigation ➜
- en clearing up misconceptions ➜
- en Convict criminals ➜
- en discovering lies ➜
- en disproving lies ➜
- en education ➜
- en Eliminating falsehood ➜
- en enlightenment ➜
- en establishing secure logic ➜
- en expanding our knowledge ➜
- en exploration ➜
- en finding answers ➜
- en finding new ideas ➜
- en fox mulder to do ➜
- en Free innocent people ➜
- en freedom ➜
- en getting proof to support an idea ➜
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discovering truth requires…
- en investigation of the facts ➜
- en diligence ➜
- en effort ➜
- en investigation ➜
- en knowledge ➜
- en persistance ➜
- en realising propaganda ➜
- en research ➜
- en sifting through details ➜
- en understanding ➜
- en understanding of the truth ➜