Effects of committing suicide
- en dying ➜
- en being dead ➜
- en you would be dead ➜
- en a family to become sad ➜
- en sorrow ➜
- en you breake your family's heart ➜
- en the breaking of a law ➜
- en death ➜
- en disapproval by society ➜
- en go straight to hell ➜
- en harm to others ➜
- en you kill yourself ➜
- en laws must be applied ➜
- en legal problems for surviving family members ➜
- en you loose a friend ➜
- en misery ➜
- en other people to feel guilty ➜
- en other people to feel sadness ➜
- en police investigate ➜
- en scars ➜
- More »
committing suicide is a subevent of…
- en dying ➜
- en cut your wrist ➜
- en you die ➜
- en slashing of wrists ➜
- en bleed ➜
- en death ➜
- en extreme pain ➜
- en to fail and stay alive ➜
- en interruption ➜
- en one will cease to be alive ➜
- en slit your wrists ➜
- en stab yourself ➜
- en swallow a bottle of sleeping pills ➜
- en take a lot of pills ➜
- en take many pills ➜
- en taking a drug overdose ➜
- en write a note giving your reasons ➜
committing suicide is used for…
- en ending your own life ➜
- en Hitler ➜
- en allowing yourself to die ➜
- en being done with life ➜
- en breaking the law ➜
- en depressed mental cases ➜
- en dying ➜
- en ending a life of despair ➜
- en ending life prematurely ➜
- en ending a miserable existence ➜
- en giving up all hope ➜
- en idiots ➜
- en keeping the counselling industry viable ➜
- en killing yourself when you are desperate ➜
- en losers ➜
- en making your family very sad ➜
- en making a point ➜
- en people who lack coping skills ➜
- en people without hope ➜
- en self-absorbed teenage females ➜
- More »
committing suicide requires…
- en courage ➜
- en killing yourself ➜
- en breakdown ➜
- en a certain frame of mind ➜
- en commitment ➜
- en a desperate situation ➜
- en desperation ➜
- en fear ➜
- en foolishness ➜
- en having no hope ➜
- en major depression ➜
- en a means of killing oneself ➜
- en a need to die ➜
- en no forward thinking ➜
- en no self-preservation instinct ➜
- en not caring about the future ➜
- en a panic reaction ➜
- en strong sense of purpose ➜
- en stupidity ➜
- en what the hell ➜
Links to other resources
- en.wiktionary.org committing suicide