- ca cancelleria (n, artifact) ➜
- en court of chancery (n, group) ➜
- eu kantzelaritza (n, artifact) ➜
- fa مقام وزارت دارایی (n, artifact) ➜
- fa مقام وزارت دارایی (n, group) ➜
- fi arkisto (n, artifact) ➜
- fi lordikanslerin oikeus (n, group) ➜
- id arsip umum (n, artifact) ➜
- ms canseri (n, group) ➜
- pl sąd polubowny (n, group) ➜
- th ศาลฎีกา (n, artifact) ➜
- th ศาลฎีกา (n, group) ➜
- th ศาลตุลาการใหญ่ (n, group) ➜
- en in chancery ➜
- fr chancery (n) ➜
Related terms
- en ancient (n) ➜
- en cancel ➜
- en chaffwax (n) ➜
- en chancellor (n) ➜
- en chanceries (n) ➜
- en inns of chancery ➜
- en court ➜
- en court of equity ➜
- en diocese ➜
- en equity ➜
- en highest ➜
- fr autorité unitaire ➜
- fr village ➜
- en antagonist ➜
- en awkward ➜
- en fist ➜
- en get in chancery ➜
- en head ➜
- en hold in chancery ➜
- en pommel ➜
- More »
Etymological roots of "chancery"
- fr chancellerie ➜
- la cancellaria ➜
- la cancellarius ➜
- la cancelli ➜
- la cancellus ➜
Etymologically related
- en chancel ➜
- en chancellery ➜
- en chancellor ➜
- en incarcerate ➜
- la carcer ➜
Word forms
- en chanceries (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- 103008751-n
- 108347938-n
- chancery
- Chancery